

I cooked yesterday. Pap+Vleis, literally.  Word to the wise, cooking pap in a 'non-stick' pot is not a good idea.

Its hard to err, [forgot the SeTswana name for it], you know when you have to use a wooden spoon to sort of 'stir' the pap as it is cooking, yeah, that process, what it is ka SeTswana?  but, ja, on a non-stick pot, it's impossible, as the 'pap le legogo' turn as you stir,,,,

1ove, food.

  1. e seng go fudua?

  2. Yes!

    Thats it!

    go fodua or is it go foduwa?

  3. G loisha ka sepedi

  4. I think the word you seek is "soka", as in, go soka papa

  5. love this shot...