A friend of mine spoke about this thing, called reflection with respect what you create (design).

Now, if a man, is man made, created --- surely one should be able to reflect on their own being, soul, mind and thoughts.

So bare attention is simple, direct noninterference awareness. Alert and relaxed, we're not looking for any experience in particular; we are simply awake to what presents itself. -- Joseph Goldstein - Purifying the mind - (One Dharma)

I am now, more aware of what I think I am than before --- pleasant revelations (good and bad).

1ove, without self.

01 comment
  1. its confirmed, youre in my mind now. ive been battling with this question for so long. what does it mean to be alive. i think people are getting tired of me staring at their babies. im trying to decipher the purpose and what it means to be present. im missing a block, perhaps thats where religion came/comes in. children have that bare attention, its incredible. i envy them. over time i guess its ruined by experience and trying to find a place to fit in.