
Tlepe-tlepe nonyane e khibidu

Err, err, err the ICE+BLOK 3.0 won't happen. I won't be around on Sunday. Sorry, :-(

We shall try another time?


  1. love the shadows

  2. ngi khumbule ekhaya.....

  3. Laurret, i feel your pain my boy.

    This paper chasing has got us all locked up in small flats and town houses like crabs in a basket, when we could be roaming free on such big yards without fear of deadlines and strange neighbours!

    I sincerely hope that this chap's photographic skills have stranslated into hard cash!

  4. r the two trees lovingly embracing or is it just me?

  5. "I smoked the sun entirely"

    "Ng'bhemi langa lonke"

    School holidays we the ish ne?