Autumn Leafs

Yeah, I don't quite like the composition of this photograph. I will have to go back and re-capture this image, hopefully before they clean it up.

Hey, what y'all think of the 'best viewed at night' version of Half? Don't worry, I am open to criticism.


  1. Yoh man, It's Dope....i'm loving it...{more love for the font you used there} Hmmm...

  2. which font? the one for the main one or the logo+type?

  3. me thinks the fonts be cool'eth. could be me, but the black is the major catalyst... drama, intense, strong... not sure which is fitting but iesh works...


  4. was talking about the main one, but i'm very sure i told you that the logo is dope before...

  5. i like hearing it over and over again....