The Jones.

So, I have the jones.

Time to decide. Decisions are hard when it comes to these things.  You have to make a choice based on nothing tangible, just a feeling or the lack thereof it.

Alas, Apple Inc. has launched their phone, which has a cheesy name, iphone.  It looks good though.


  1. to all the people who are still using _ PC _ aka Microsoft _ the future is in mac _ Apple _ is the way _ rather convert sooner than later _ couse you are going to convert anyway _ i give PC _ another 5 years in the market _ then its over.

  2. but MACintosh has been in existence for long as well(22years).............. my take is Apple will do well on their I-Series (gadgets etc.) and nothing after that.
  3. watch this space _ there will be iTV _ otlabona boss _ well MAC is innovative _ what is latest innovative thing microsoft has done lately _ well lets see _ microsoft WORD 2007 _ MAC is the revolution for PC _
  4. George, you are saying MAC is innovative? Really? What have they innovated in the past 10 years?

    I am not saying Microsoft is innovative, Apple is probaly more innovative that M$, but that does not make Apple the 'Guru' of innovation.
  5. all in one computer _ remember those _ screen with everything else in it _ ie _ hard drive and so on. let me not mention ipod _ or better yet the iphone _ which is an ipod @ the same time _ tell me if that innovation. im not saying that Apple is the Guru _ they also have their faults _ all im saying is that apple has more exciting features _ and it looks beautiful _ looks do count.
  6. Apple PC are not even big in the USA. ipod was hot, but SIEMENS-BENQ and SONY sell the same stuff @ 1/4 the price of an ipod......... I believe Apple stuff is of good quality however i think they invest more into the technology of their products than they make in the sales.
  7. Well George the 'all in one computer' was first introduced through a product called, Commodores. The ipod user interface was stolen from Creative -Labs, of which Apple paid out an out of court settlement for the infringement of intellectual property last year. The iphone is a combination of their products, no innovation there, plus the sony-ericsson 'walkman' phone is exactly that.

    So, what Apple does well, is design, period.

    The one thing they innovated was the user interface of operating system and not the OS (it's a by product of UNIX), before M$ stole it, adawise apple is comprised of acquisition, what they can't build they buy from somebody else.

    But then again, you could say they have innovated in how we use consumer electronics, but not the product themselves.
  8. Target Market? Does that have anything to play with the products that Microsoft offers verses Apple?
    I think it does.
    So what is Apple's got ipods, iphones? That's not what Microsoft's going for surely.
    By the sounds of it, Apple's competing with Sony, Siemens, Daewoo, LG even. All those companies that are all over the place? TVs, cars, microwaves...
  9. I'm making a wild guess by the way. Not a tekkie at all.
  10. ok _ lebo _ i had no idea about what apple was up to _ but now i have an idea. i still think apple is the way _ and as i said _ is more exciting than M$ _ True the design are always dope _ maybe thats what i like _ their designs _ ooohhh i have the new walkman sony ericsson _ now thats a phone.

    "life goes on"