x. who shot ya?


This concludes this little gimmerick I've been running — it's been fun. As I was preparing for today's post, I was thinking:

Wouldn't it be great if I gave away photographs every month? Like 10 copies of one specific 'graph: A3/Printed/Shipped? I think it would be cool.

( shot by Yasser Buchana )

1ove, plots.

  1. This came out really awesome!
    i enjoyed the series.

  2. great idea, don't u STILL owe me a pic...??

  3. I do — but you don't respond to emails and such;

    In fact your 'graphs were used at the 75 cpt exhibition — trouble is nobody knows where the 'graphs are now.


  4. hhhmmm, really?!
    really... so i can't get my graph now?!

    i'll check my mail...

  5. You will — I just need to find out if it has been found; if not, I'll print another.