This has got to be strangest spring of all.

Flowers have blossomed, flies are everywhere, trees are turning green, the heat is fantastic and it still hasn't rained.

1ove, without self.

  1. kid looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders

  2. lovely capture.

  3. maybe he does.

  4. patience is a virtue...

  5. dude. Wat'se camera r u uzin now?

  6. Ola, I use a canon 400D.

    Why, you ask, if I mas ask?

  7. me. asking maself why i can't shoot the same kwality fotos.

  8. Lets see? got a URL? Flickr?

  9. No Flickr/No URL, just home pics I'm not proud of. Lemmie know when selling yo cam. Reespek

  10. what if, we would be proud of them?

    me selling the cam,,, I doubt that would ever happen; but, I've heard rumours that Dion was sellin' a canon 400d for like 5 grand --- but like everybody says: its not the machine, but the man that does miracles with technology.

    *not to preach, or come of as condescending.

  11. Church!
    Dude, I'm usin a Epson digital (bought for R400 and got a whole lotta ish for free, includin a printer) M thinkin thats why ma fotoz a bollocks

  12. ah, 'nuff said --- but i still suspect there is a way of using a 'sorta-crappy' cam to do good ish.