Post Mortem

Good afternoon ---

Do you all sense that this year is different --- different as in, 'we do and not talk about doing'

I sense a lot of people are actually doing what they want, and that is time consuming --- just a sense I have.

But, Master Yoda said it best:

Do, there is no try.

The 75th Celebration was inspirational --- never in a thousand pixels did I think something like that could ever happen --- I am still at awe --- beautiful people, I tell you.


  1. Beautiful image

  2. Oh and what you said about doing and not talking about doing is so true... well for me anyway.

  3. the best of the lot I tell you! simply the best!

  4. love the photo, moment well frozen!

  5. OMG.


  6. illmatic.

  7. Ahh man...damn sounds like the session was tite...

    by the way, what was it the anniversary of?

  8. 75 getting 1 year old.


  9. Ahh damn, does that mean the next one is next year? :(

  10. well, the 75th Celebration will be next year again --- but if those ducks decide to get inline --- the 75th Exhibition might happen this summer --- tyring to sync it with the 'Arts Festival'*

    *cat is out of the bag.

  11. This is very, very beautiful.

  12. favourite.