Yeah, working on Gusto-Projects, again. This time, it's gonna be the bow-wow (where ya at V-Mash?)

Oh, ice+blok 3.0 planned for 1st of September, although I feel there is gonna be way too much ish going down on 'spring day', 'prolly move it to the following week.

One, love.

  1. don't move it ... as i said that im booked the whole day on spring day.
    ice + blok _ then kitchen party ko alex. Then see family after that.


  2. yeah, ice blok 3.0 ka spring day i think that be dope.

    1st sep s'got my vote if ke democracy.

  3. errr, i say let's do it...the date is perfect...

  4. eish - can't do ICE+BLOCK. doing a bachelors party...