For the past 3 days (give or take a few hours), I've been nicotine free, until I realised I have not done any ounce of work.

I spent the best part of the days distracting myself from smoking, but work was not a good option, 'coz, well, work creates anxiety, anxiety is fought with nicotine.

See my logic? I try again, tomorrow to be clean.  It's quite fun actually, fighting the addiction, I get to see how the mind plays tricks on me.


  1. i fear you were right. the light conditions on saturday were just perfect. i have this almost exact shot.

  2. "komore-bi"

  3. err, Monk elaborate?

    ... jaz why fear it? submit yourself to it. :-)

  4. Its a Japanese word meaning:

    "sun shine coming through the shade of trees.”

  5. awesome!

    how do I say, "I did it" - ala Hiro Nakamura (Heroes)?

  6. Eish, lapho angazike!

  7. I will neva surrender!

  8. resistance is futile. (7 of 9)