Hmm, I am beginning to ask question of what I want my exhibition to be like.  I want to exhibit all my photographs, all of them, not a single one spared, not even the wack ones, so I need to really think of the execution, because that will justify why some of the photographs are crap.

Question though, will anybody buy, or more so should I sell them? 

  1. if you can find a building with JUST passeges like the one photographed...I think that will be kewl.
    Just passage after passage. With photographs. Like a maze.
    At the centre - the artist.

    I donno.
    How about exhibition exhibitted at the places/the people you've taken pictures of???
    Maybe have actual people holding up the pictures (stuck on a stick or something), as opposed to having them displaced on some platform or whatever.

    Have them in a dark room. As if they've just been processed. Pegged on a wire. Lights shining on them. Dark room.

    I would buy - I have a particular one in mind actually.
  2. Hmm, i like the idea of people holding the photographs,,,

    meditate on this, i will.
  3. malini...??!! (approximately)
  4. Good question - blogsta
  5. How about 20 grand for the whole lot?

    My laptop is dead, I need to buy another.

  6. so how many pics do you have? ... lets do maths ....
  7. Heita.

    I think i'd be kul if yu wer to make it a street experience. We ol love roaming d streets, whether ekasi o edolobheni (that's Zulu fo town GG), anyways display 'em like yu wer walkin along d streets of kuphi-khuphi kae-kae.

    A street pole typa vibe. So d setting wud hav 2 be dun in dat typa style yu know. Nini nini, yu'd hav it randomly nje eSpace-ini on d wall like it was just put de by sum guy hu isn't gettin' paid enuf.

    But i'd dig d street posta typa-style. Mayb coz ngiyasincanywa istrada & ol d people i c in it. Doesn't flow too fa off the banks as the people holding d posters as well.

    About d laptop...ya neh. Inhlanhla.
  8. I have about 20-30 thousand, digital. I can't remember how many I have in print.
  9. Well if you have that many on digital. Maybe you need to hook us up with a movie type of set up.
    At an IMax theatre or something...even better go old school, like one of those community halls we all used to watch movies at - where they put up black plastic bags on the windows to block out the sun. Where we first saw Bruce Lee...

    That kind of set up - and have a slide show.
    You'd have to pick some music to go with it.
    But that's a boring idea though...
    Ah well. I'm tired now, going to sleep.
  10. So you reckon you'd seel your pics for R1/less a pop????
    Doesn't sound right. Not right at all!
    Hey if you do the movie set up - you could charge peops entrance fee, and not even sell your pics...well not to the masses atleast, just me.

    I want all your Alex pictures.
  11. nah, i suppose R1 is not good. I take it back. davinci, i can give you all my alex pics? how much you want for them?
  12. i like the movie theatre thing...maybe have it at eyethu (pun intended) in Mofolo (soweto)...damn i used to go there alot!!!

    That would be tite...
    okay maybe not R1...but R50 if u got soo many...
  13. Lebz, I'm tempted to say R1 a pic. I don't want to exploit you. You need to give me a figure.
    How many pictures you got? Of Alex that is.
    I'm already decorating my spot around them. When, when, when? How much?
  14. blogsta - what were YOU doing at Eyethu. hee hee.
  15. ...i used to watch movies, its a movie theatre...!!!