
I am feeling kinda wierd lately, I do not exactly what it is, but I think it has to do with some business decisions I have to make.

To continue running my business or get a job?   We shall see what I decide, I might just buy the Sunday Times (career pages).

I wait and see where this is all going. 

  1. uncertainity versus guarantees that might require less freedom? Perhaps at times we need to get on board and be everyone else... sometimes you have to taste anything twice b4 you truly write it off. [tite image of Gopolang]
  2. yeah, word! the pic is tite.I'm not even sure what Gopolang is trying to do. I'm sure it does not have to make sense to anyone, like, "I just feel like doing this" , maybe there is a reason to it. Kids are the ish, no hectic grown-up decisions to make like "To continue running my business or get a job?" Maybe thinking just like a kid has some merit to it, the freedom of thought without restrictions. I wonder...
  3. memories