A Few Words, Please.

Nothing better than a human moment, that moment when we are focused on one thing, and one thing alone, to end the night.


  1. interesting picture... :)
  2. Ain't no way this picture is real. It's posed ne? If it's real then you are really good. Do you sell any of your pictures...are you a photographer? Did you take a course in photography at all.
    That other one in Moza was good too with like just the silhouette and the blazing sun. Nthute tu.
  3. haha! the hat! the jugs...

    ...ya, ruta ngwana o mongwe.
  4. oooh yeah, mad tight picture. it looks like one of those VIBE magazine photo shoot types!
  5. where is maiphephi and nyakelang i want to get drunk online
  6. cool photograph.
  7. it's wonderfully shady and sinister... lovely picture