Six Hundred+ Cigarettes

It took that many cigarettes for me to smoke in 7 weeks to complete, the uber-styled Seventy+Five.

Check it out, interact, let me know what you think, finally an alternative to my madness, yay!

Now, I need to fix my car's starter and go see K.

Still missing you. 

  1. peacefulness _

  2. it is fine

  3. damn! can she K.I.S.S? I am just drooling over the picture and panting like a DAWG! Hoof hooof. brownSuga babe I gets high of your love I don't know how to beHave.......... Hook a brother up! I'll pay a dime.

  4. Dope....dope...dope ........
    mara eish makes think like she high on something ... but loving de pic .. aYa ... move

  5. Dude, you need to hola at a brotha when you go on yo excursions,