It poured.

Imagine a day where things go wrong, and they do, couple that with making wrong decisions.  It rained, today.  By far the worst day of the year, and it was all my fault.

I tell my mother my drama, she says to me,

"... if you keep all the bad things in memory, they will never pass." 

True, but I need a mutha-effing break.

I am hungry, and grandma cooked a storm today.

* do you notice the cross? 

  1. ohhh yeah i see, i probably wouldn't have noticed it had u not mentioned it...

    I love the rays of the sun...

  2. Yeah.. we was near a church... the rays coming out like that above a church,,, would make one a believer.

  3. This picture is very eerie. I see the cross.
    Sorry about your bad day :( I know this might not be too comforting at the moment, but "This too shall pass..."

  4. I call these images "God is about to speak." Its from all those Sunday
    religious movies they used to show back in the day with Moses and co. Everytime God was about to rap, the clouds and the sun would to funky things.

    ps. Notorious vs. Sinatra is the bomb diggie!

    "Woman was made for man, woman was made for man,...

    ...this goes out my Brooklyn crew representing on the freaky b**ches..."