Makaku & Lamb

So, I finaly cooked yesterday, inspired by Mme Nkoane (my grandmother), she is home, yay!

She cooked Makaku (those round pap things in the picture, if you didn't know) and I laced them up with my favourite meat, Lamb.  I do miracles with lamb.

I was thinking, it would be nice if Mr. Gusto could set us upwith a public blog on food, we can share ideas, cooking tips, tricks, flavours.

I am getting hungry. 

  1. is that a really small plate or a really big spoon?

  2. small plate.

    did not notice that... context.

  3. Mutton + Red Pepper + Onion + Black Pepper. No Garlic + Ginger + Lemon.

  4. am i the only that finds its close up look disgustin? am sure it tasted grt tho

  5. R u A Virgin?, ooooooops sorry vegean? t-bone errrrrrrrrrrrrrr thabo.

  6. ... yeah... you are right, it's like cunnilingus, link for the (un) initiated (lucky bastards).

    *hides, very far, away 

  7. .... heheeh, ayeye!
    ... slip of the tongue?

    ... hey that reminds me of that quote I say all the time....

    "cunnilingus, for as long as I can remember, I could never wrap my tongue around that word, wait, is that a pun or bad taste, wait, is that another pun." - lead actor in the movie (how to kill your neighbours dog)."

    I love this quote.

  8. guys u had to go down that route......the difference btwn the two tho is one tastes good and the other's taste stays too long in the mouth