Ah, it is the season for chilling, drinking cold ones and marinating in the sun.

I have been slacking updating this journal, I have two reasons.  The first one is that I have a j.o.b contract that requires me to work 9-5. Secondly, I won't be taking photographs, till I get my new toy.


  1. I've been searching for the perfectly classic one seater couch for over a year now. Still haven't found one I can afford. Saw lots I'd love to buy - but nothing I can afford.
    You know that one chair like in Fraser (Martin's chair) that you know you'll keep for like forever and ever. The most comfortable chair in the world. That you don't have to share with anyone...That's the chair I'm looking for. Can't afford it. But I need to have it.
  2. its my birthday today - im 23 today. it feels great. ya jo you've been slacking but the future is yours.
  3. Happy, Happy, you are such a youngen. Enjoy.
  4. young and sexy ___ phuzi imali yami
  5. I still look 23, in fact women think I am 23/4 which is good. Now if I get the couch, davinci is talking about and I get me a 22/23 something girl, it would be perfect. I hate sex on a bed.
  6. Your name always makes me think about this guy I went to school with George.
    His name was Rogers, and he liked wearing white vests (wife beaters) to campus. We nicknamed him Gorgeous - we were mocking him shame.

    Just a couple of weeks ago a friend called to say he past away. Gorgeous that is. The BIG THING got him.

    Just felt like sharing.
  7. so what u doing for yo birthday, young man? yo ld, now that u is back on sum1's payroll, how's about that beer son?
  8. moerse classic couches. mo speising (e'skhalini) heela sooo.
  9. Yo, spark,,, word. When?