I have a love & hate for Alexandra Township, I love the place, I love where it is going to be after the hype on Soweto dies (heheehehehe), but the criminal elements, eish, met eish!

I never quite liked the name, Gomora though, I found it a bit, wierd, and sorta, wack, but hey, Gomora it is.

ALX Whut! 

  1. if you miscount the tarred road, it could be mistaken for Kitwe, Zambia --
  2. Sandton Ext .... no township can come close to LX ... quote me on that.
  3. I think Alex should be turned into a monument and titled 'never, and never again'.
    People living there...I just think it's time for them to move out and experience the joys of proper sanitation, bathrooms, inhouse toilets, a bit of a yard, parks and the like.
    I think Alex has been like this for too long and I just can't understand why government hasn't done more for it.
  4. i thnk it's off gangstarr classic, moment of truth...JFK to ALX?