Get With It

Yeah. Mic battles are the illest form of Hiphop.

Good news people. Here is what I will be doing by end of the year. First up is a project 'Half', which is going to be platform for dialogue (visual, audio or textual). After which I give you my clothing label called, 'Half Naked'; then I dive into print media by releasing a yearly magazine called 'Point Five' and at the same time I will drop 'TwentySix' which will be music based platform, the core focus will be 'beats'.

Then I drop y'all with 'Point Blank', this is going to be a Web 2.0 thingy for social networking, to share ideas at the speed of thought.

Last but not least an upgrade to this here, the name will stay the sinah ntholi nkoane, but the project will be called 'SeventyFive'.

  1. Bring it !
  2. Even with me too. Dont know what these niggas want from me. Phew, cant wait till they tell me what exactly it is they want. Some A.. or WHAT?
  3. I see a heavily numbered but bright future...