New Year Morning

This photograph was taken on the second morning of the new year, in Tofo Beach, Mozambique.

More Moz photographs to follow in a form of a project, if time allows.

  1. As I said in a previous comment

    love the site. Keen to open some further dialogue with you about your opinions on the SA online market (as it stands and where you see it headed) and possible future work collaborations. Check out my sites (the one is just some illustrations while the other is for my own company here in London) then get back to me via email if you are interested. Peace.

    Jamie (South african living and working here in London)
  2. a absolutely magnificent sight, I remember in plane waiting to go to the loo, i started a convesation with this photographer,

    he gave me some wicked advice he said the best time to take a photo is mainly in the morning and late afternoon when the light is not so hard and direct

    and this is quality