HCI / Sketching

I intend to do my Masters (MSc) in Human Computer Interaction. It dawned apon me a while back (2000) that all what machines can and try to do is what humans can already do, in most cases they fail. Think about, a machine can only count up to some particular number, say 10. If they were to add 1 to that 10 to get 11 they will crash. They have a limited capacity, but us, humans, we can add 1 to any sum endlessly, infinitely. That there lies our power over machines, they will never win. Although some people believe in the Singularity, we shall see. For as long as a machines cannot tell the difference between someone that loves you and one that does not, they will never be a Singularity.

Another thing, can a machine sketch? Can it draw, the only upper hand they have is speed, but speed is defined with time, and time is human created factor(?). They have to work with these rules. Amazing shit. We are king, but are going to be the next dominant species? I don't know.
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